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Introduction to Microsoft Teams for Education
Last Updated 8 years ago


Microsoft Teams is a unified app that brings all the best bits of Office 365 cloud services and collaboration tools together in one place. The Teams app user-experience is centred around a chat-based workspace that is familiar and user-friendly. It works just like a group-messaging app would (Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp or Slack) but with the extra collaboration tools built-in. Real-time group based video calls can be made using the Microsoft Teams app.  

Getting Started

Using teams is quick and straight-forward. Everyone at TC already has an account and can start using it today. You need to sign-in using your TC account details. 

Download the app for your computer or mobile to get started.

Once you have the Teams app installed and open, sign-in using your TC email address and password. 

Creating a Team

After signing in, either start participating in an existing Team or create a new one by clicking the Create Team button in the bottom left corner of the screen. Select the type of team to create.


Summary of Team Types

  • Class - choose this to setup a group for you and your students, this option provides a space for class work to be submitted / handed in, somewhere to communicate and share resources; and provides a OneNote class notebook. If your a teacher, you can also add co-teachers if you are sharing your classes with a colleague.
  • PLC - choose this team type to setup as space for sharing professional development resources with other teaching staff. Some common resources are provided for teachers in the form of a shared OneNote workbook that helps a PLC begin.
  • Staff - this team type is similar to the PLC team template, however is designed for staff leaders or education support staff to work together.
  • Standard - choose this team type if you are simply looking for a generic chat-based collaboration space. This is ideal for student-lead project teams to work together.
Learn more about the different Team types by reading this guide.

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