Frequently Asked Question

Why do dates display in the American format of MM/DD/YYYY?
Last Updated 7 years ago

The default date format is determined by your computer's international date settings. By default all Department computers are set to display dates in the standard Australian format (DD/MM/YYYY). Internet Explorer uses the computer's standard date settings and displays the dates in the Australian date format in both eduPay and Recruitment Online.Where an internet browser other than Internet Explorer is used, such as Google Chrome, the standard date settings in the browser may override the computer settings and result in dates being displayed in the American date format.

To ensure that operators do not enter an incorrect date the International Settings within the internet browser should be amended to reflect the Australian date format.

For example: In Google Chrome the default setting is the American date format which is applied to dates in eduPay and Recruitment Online. An update to the Language and input settings is required within Chrome to change the browser defaults from English (United States) to English (Australia).

If the dates are displayed incorrectly, firstly check the standard settings for your computer and ensure the Australian format is being used then check your internet browser settings where you are using a browser other than Internet Explorer.

For assistance in completing this adjustment contact your I.T Services or search 'date settings in ' and follow the instructions on one of these pages.

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