Frequently Asked Question

What is the difference between eduPay for DET and SLP?
Last Updated 7 years ago

The basic functionality of eduPay that is used to pay DET employees is the same for SLP. Each SLP employee will need to be appointed to an SLP position on Recruitment Online (ROL) and hired on eduPay through manage hires. Personal and employment details need to be entered onto eduPay including job data, banking, taxation, superannuation, work schedules, and timesheets for casual employees.

The way to differentiate an SLP employee from a DET employee on eduPay is the Employee Record Number (Empl Record). If the person is employed with DET their Empl Record will be 0 if they are employed on SLP their Empl Record will be 1 or above. The first school the person is employed with on local payroll will result in an Empl Record 1, the second school the person is employed with on local payroll will result in an Empl Record 2 and so on.

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