Frequently Asked Question

What is a timesheet on eduPay?
Last Updated 7 years ago

A timesheet is a new function introduced to eduPay for SLP casual employees, allowing the hours worked each day to be entered online. The employee is paid according to how many hours have been entered in their timesheet. Timesheets can either be submitted by employees through Employee Self Service, then approved by the Timesheet Approver, or they can be entered directly by the payroll administrator (if timesheets are entered by an administrator they are automatically approved).Some things to note about timesheets:
  • Timesheets cannot be entered for future pay periods (see Pay Finalisation Calendars for the fortnightly pay periods)
  • Timesheets cannot be entered for a date more than 30 days in the past
  • Standard practice is that timesheets should be approved no later than the Wednesday of pay finalisation week, to allow adequate time for verifying information and checking payroll certification messages
  • Start date should be the first day the employee has worked in the current cycle and the end date should be the last day they have worked. It is not necessary to use the start and end dates of the pay period
  • Once a timesheet has been entered, these dates cannot be used again in a future timesheet.

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