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Adobe Creative Cloud - Guide on what each software app is and their purpose
Last Updated 7 years ago
Creative Cloud Apps - Desktop | ||
Photoshop | | Photoshop is the professional level tool for digital imagery that prepares students for the workplace allowing them to communicate effectively though the use of images. Allows for an understanding of image manipulation processes and subsequent visual literacy when reading imagery in print and online media. Provides image creation and manipulation tools for output to web, video and 3D – allowing evaluation and critical analysis of best practices for required outcomes within specific media. |
English ACELY | 1720, ACELY1728, ACELY1751, ACELY1773, Mathematics ACMNA189, ACMNA187, Science | |
| ACSIS144, ACS | IS129, ACMNA22, ACSIS203, ACSIS174 History ACHHS214, ACHHS193, ACHHS175 |
Lightroom | | With Lightroom, your photography goes where you go. Organize, edit, and share your photos from anywhere — on your computer, on the web, on your iPad and on your iPhone or Android devices. It's all your photography. All in one place. Students who use Lightroom, develop a deep understanding of image editing and post production workflow. Working across both Lightroom and Photoshop is an essential skill for students working toward a career in the Graphic industry. |
English ACELY1 | 720, ACELY1728, ACELY1751, ACELY1773, Mathematics ACMNA189, ACMNA187, Science | |
| ACSIS144, ACSI | S129, ACMNA22, ACSIS203, ACSIS174 History ACHHS214, ACHHS193, ACHHS175 |
Illustrator | | Drawing tool that allows for freeform, creative expression as well as precision drafting. Provides students with electronic equivalent of calligraphic brush, pen and ink or rule and pencil. Used in the creation of a wide range of illustrative styles – including perspective drafting, graphic design, cartoon, sketching etc. Allows for an understanding of the creation process and the applicability and effectiveness in communicating complex ideas through illustration. |
ACTDIP022 En | glish ACELY1720, ACELY1728, ACELY1751, ACELY1773, Mathematics ACMNA189, ACMNA187, | |
| Science ACSIS1 | 44, ACSIS129, ACMNA22, ACSIS203, ACSIS174 History ACHHS214, ACHHS193, ACHHS175 |
InDesign | | Allows students and teachers to learn to create professional layouts for assignments, school newsletters or year-books for print or electronic publishing, skills which are increasingly demanded in the digital work place. Provides easy to use tools for layout of imagery and textual content whilst exploring effectiveness of writing, editing, printing, typography and design. Additionally, adding of interactive elements (slideshows, video, etc.) for output to appropriate file types (PDF) and/or devices (tablets). |
ACTDIP022 En | glish ACELY1674, ACELY1685 Mathematics ACMMG091 History ACHHS071, Science ACSIS039 | |
Premiere Pro | | Professional video editing tool for creation of short and long form content for output to traditional as well as new media. Provides experience of visual editing, soundtrack scoring, dialogue manipulation to generate required audience response. Allows for creation to existing television and film media, as well as online web video and delivery to tablet applications. |
| English ACELY1720, ACELY1728, ACELY1751, ACELY1773, Mathematics ACMNA123 , ACMSP119, ACMNA189, ACMNA187, Science ACSIS086, ACSIS090, ACSIS144, ACSIS129, ACMNA22, ACSIS203, ACSIS174 History ACHHS106, ACHHS214, ACHHS193, ACHHS175, ACHHS106 English ACELY1704 , ACELT1618 |
After Effects | | Create incredible motion graphics and visual effects. - The industry-standard animation and creative compositing app lets students design and deliver professional motion graphics and visual effects for film, TV, video and web. Consuming and creating video is an essential part of future focused learning environments. Many student’s know the basics of shooting and editing video. After Effects helps them make their regular video into a professional and engaging viewer experience. |
English ACELY | 1720, ACELY1728, ACELY1751, ACELY1773, ACELY1704 , ACELT1618Mathematics ACMNA123 | |
| ACMSP119 | ACMNA189, ACMNA187, Science ACSIS086, ACSIS090, ACSIS144, ACSIS129, ACMNA22, |
| ACSIS203, ACS | IS174 History ACHHS106, ACHHS214, ACHHS193, ACHHS175, ACHHS106 |
Dreamweaver | | Allows students to create manage and publish websites and mobile apps. Encourages strategic planning and problem solving when evaluating required viewer engagement and implementation of open source technologies and frameworks. Dual ‘layout view’ and ‘code view’ environments allows for visual design interacting with code to provide feedback rapid loop. |
English ACELY | 1720, ACELY1728, ACELY1751, ACELY1773, Mathematics ACMNA189, ACMNA187, Science | |
| ACSIS144, ACS | IS129, ACMNA22, ACSIS203, ACSIS174 History ACHHS214, ACHHS193, ACHHS175 |
Muse | Create gorgeous HTML5 websites without writing code. Stay true to your creative roots and design incredible websites with ease – no need to think like a developer. Muse gives students a solution which affords the ease of creating a responsive and user friendly, contemporary website, yet ensures they develop some essential skills for their future. From ideation, through prototyping and creation, Muse helps students to create professional looking websites, easily, with no cost. | |
English ACELY | 1720, ACELY1728, ACELY1751, ACELY1773, Mathematics ACMNA189, ACMNA187, Science | |
| ACSIS144, ACS | IS129, ACMNA22, ACSIS203, ACSIS174 History ACHHS214, ACHHS193, ACHHS175 |
Animate | Allows students to gain an understanding of, and appropriate use cases for animation and interaction enabling effective communication of complex processes and abstract concepts. Enables broad output from online browser interaction through to app creation for emerging tablet media devices modal environment allows for visual design synchronised with code interface to provide relevant feedback to appropriate learning environment – code or design. Formerly known as Adobe Flash Professional | |
English ACELY | 1720, ACELY1728, ACELY1751, ACELY1773, ACELY1704 , ACELT1618 Mathematics ACMNA123 | |
| , ACMSP119, A | CMNA189, ACMNA187, Science ACSIS086, ACSIS090, ACSIS144, ACSIS129, ACMNA22, |
| ACSIS203, ACS | IS174 History ACHHS106, ACHHS214, ACHHS193, ACHHS175, ACHHS106 |
Acrobat DC | | Enables teachers to publish and distribute consistent curriculum content to students. Allows schools to simply create, distribute and collate information through electronic forms, moving away from traditional paper based forms and time consuming data entry. Empowers students to create and share digital documents including media rich portfolios, and to work collaboratively. |
English ACELY1660, ACELY1720, ACELY1728, ACELY1751, ACELY1773, Mathematics ACMMG045, ACMNA189, ACMNA187, Science ACSIS144, ACSIS129, ACMNA22, ACSIS203, ACSIS174, ACSIS026 History ACHHK044, ACHHS214, ACHHS193, ACHHS175 |