Frequently Asked Question

Information on the DET Teacher and Principal Notebook Program
Last Updated 8 years ago


The Notebooks for Teachers and Principals Program (NTPP) began in 1998 and provided teachers and principals access to notebooks for teaching and learning purposes and included a co-contribution from those employees. Over the past four years the program has provided more than 41,000 notebooks.

Over the next four years the Victorian Government will invest $75.5 million in a revamped Teacher and Principal Notebook Program.

New Teacher and Principal Notebook Program

The new Program will support schools by offering the central provision of Windows notebooks as a universal platform. These notebooks will be assets of the school, but consistent with the previous program will be assigned by the school to teachers and principal class employees who will be able to use them at school and at home.

As a priority, notebooks have already been ordered for the 2016 cohort of eligible new graduate teachers, and deliveries have commenced.
The next priority is to provide notebooks to teachers, other than graduates, who were first employed in 2016, and then to other teachers and principal class employees who did not participate in the previous program.

Notebooks in use by current participants will continue to be used by them and they will be replaced at the end of their respective provisioning cycle.

Use of Apple Computers

The Department recognises the provision of Windows notebooks may not support schools that have significantly invested in Apple technology to deliver their curriculum (Apple schools).

Schools with a significant investment in Apple technology, with the approval of their School Council, can choose to operate as an ‘Apple School’ and receive a grant equal to the value of the Windows notebooks allocation for all eligible teachers and principal class employees and fund the required additional cost of Apple notebooks.

Secondary schools and P-12 schools may apply for an individual VCE teacher to be supplied with an Apple notebook if they are delivering one or more of the following VCE studies that have a direct pathway into industries where Apple computers are widely used for industry-specific applications:

  • VCE Art 
  • VCE Studio Art 
  • VCE Visual Communication Design
  • VCE Media 
  • VCE/VET Interactive Digital Media 
  • VCE Music Performance
  • VCE Music Investigation
  • VCE Music Style and Composition
  • VCE/VET Music
  • VCE/VET Music Technical Production.
Eligible teachers of the listed VCE studies will be provided with an Apple notebook, including in self-nominated Apple Schools. Further information on this process will be communicated to principals.

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