Frequently Asked Question

I am having trouble watching videos on this website
Last Updated 8 years ago

The self-help videos published on this website are hosted on our internal Video Hub website. To watch most videos embedded into knowledge base articles published in help articles on this site will require a TC account to view the content. If your a parent, please use your child's TC account to access the content.

Some users have had trouble with watching videos even after being prompted to sign in. Here are some troubleshooting steps to help resolve these issues:

  1. Make sure you can browse the Video Hub @ TC - the direct link to the video website is: (Make sure you can open this site and login successfully first).
  2. If you can complete step one, try clearing your temporary internet files (cache) and refreshing the page for the knowledge base article with the embedded video. Remember to not clear cookies, only clear temporary internet cache. Depending on your web browser the steps to do this will be different. Check the web browsers help on how to clear temporary internet files/cache for more information.
  3. Alternatively, you could also try and view this site (Knowledge Base) using the In Private or Incognito mode using your web browser preferred method as a troubleshooting step.  

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