Frequently Asked Question

How to change Call Routing for your Extension
Last Updated 8 years ago

This guide explains how to change your call routing preferences. Each user who has been assigned a virtual telephone extension, can change it's call routing behaviour at anytime from with-in the Self-Service User Portal web application.  You can select which physical phone should ring when someone call's your extension, or you can alternatively select for your mobile phone or other number to be called instead. You may also choose to have a voicemail only service where all calls route to voicemail and not ring any device at all.

  1. First login into the Self-Service User Portal with your TC account details.
  2. Click the Telephones > Edit Extension Settings from the menu on the left. (If you don't see this option in the menu; contact I.T services to check your phone extension has been allocated correctly).
  3. Now click on the Call Routing tab in the main section on the screen.
  4. From here you can select the physical phone you wish to configure/set as the phone that should ring when somebody calls your extension. Click the blue Save all changes button to update the phone system with your new preferences. This will take effect within 2-3 mins on making the change. You can also enter a mobile number or other number to call using this screen. If you are unsure what each option does, hover over the ? icon next to each heading for some help/explanation of each feature.

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