Frequently Asked Question

Adding Key Vocabulary Terms to a Learning Bite
Last Updated 9 years ago

This guide explains how to add Key Vocabulary Terms to a Leaning Bite.

What you need to do?

  1. Login as staff account into the Learning Bites platform. Access Learning Bites via
  2. Open the Learning Bite that you wish to add/edit vocabulary terms for.
  3. After opening the Learning Bite, click the 'Edit this Bite' button.
  4. After entering into the Edit mode for the Learning Bite, scroll down the screen and you will see the Key Vocabulary editing panel. You can add new terms by typing them into the box. You can enter multiple terms by separating them using a comma. E.g. term1, term2, term3 
  5. After entering the terms into the box you need to select a definition source. This is what the term/word will link to and provide the student with a definition or understanding. Once finished, click the Add Vocabulary Term(s) button to add all the terms to the Learning Bite with links to the selected definition.
  6. If the definition source you select doesn't provide the expected results, try editing the source using the edit button for each term. You can also delete the terms that are no longer needed for the Learning Bite by selecting the delete button next to the term you wish to remove. 

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