Frequently Asked Question

How to create a new Learning Bite
Last Updated 9 years ago

This article provides the steps to create a new blank Learning Bite. Please try and re-use an existing learning bite before deciding to create a new one as this will keep the system clean from obsolete or out of date content. If a free learning bite is listed under another subject area, check with staff who teach that subject area that the Learning Bite is no longer in use and then move it into your subject area before editing.

Steps to create a new Learning Bite
  1. Creating a new Learning Bite is a simple process. Login into Learning Bites as a staff user account by browsing to and clicking the Sign-In button on the right.
  2. From the home screen click the + Create Learning Bite button.
  3. Now enter some basic details to create a new Learning Bite. You must provide a title the study grouping, subject area, reason for learning and learning intention. These details can be edited later, so don't worry if you make an error or they are not finalised at this stage.
  4. Click Save and Add button at the bottom of the pop-up window to generate the new Learning Bite.
  5. After creating the Learning Bite, navigate to it from the main screen to begin either adding resources or making additional changes to the initial details entered at this stage. You can also add Key Vocabulary terms related to the Learning Bite and associate any AUSVELS descriptors once the Learning Bite has been created.

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