Frequently Asked Question

Setup Email Forwarding in Office 365
Last Updated 4 years ago

The following guide provides the steps to setup email forwarding via Outlook Web App (OWA). Students and Staff can apply these steps to either their TC Mailbox or DET EduMail Mailbox (Staff).

In order to enable automatic forwarding in Office 365:

  1. Sign in to your Office 365 account or EduMail account via the Outlook Web App.
  2. From the top of the page, select Outlook or Mail tab or Select App Launcher and select Mail from the options.
  3. In the right-top corner, select Settings option.
  4. Click on Account option and then select Connected Accounts option or Click on Mail option. Then, click on Accounts option and click on Connected Accounts.
  5. In the Forwarding section, enter the email address of the recipient to whom you want to forward your Office 365 mails in Forward my emails to box.
    • Mark the check box Keep a copy of forwarded messages in Outlook Web App to keep a copy of the forwarded message.
    • Click on Start Forwarding option or In the Forwarding section, enable the radio button Start Forwarding.
    • Enter the email address of the recipient to which you want to forward the emails in the Forward my emails to box.
    • Mark the check box Keep a copy of forwarded messages in Outlook Web App to keep a copy of the forwarded message.
    • Click on Save to start the forwarding.
  • Since a copy of the forwarded message is kept in your mailbox, it is advised to keep a check on the size of the mailbox. If the limit is exceeded, the forwarding option will not work.
  • Forwarding and Connected Accounts are not meant to be used together. Therefore, do not confuse the features.

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