Frequently Asked Question

Using the Crestron Touch Panel Control System in the PAC
Last Updated 6 years ago

Microphones Control Screen

Use this screen to control the microphone inputs that are connected to the automation touch panel.
  • Lectern - Control the level of the microphones connected via the floor box located on-stage. This input is a grouped-stereo input with both left and right channels adjusted together using a single master control fader.
  • Wireless 1 - Control the level of the Wireless Receiver 1 rack-mounted in the audio rack located on-stage. This is a balanced mono-input.
  • Wireless 2 - Control the level of the Wireless Receiver 2 rack-mounted in the audio rack located on-stage. This is a balanced-mono input.

Audio Levels Control Screen

Use this screen to control other audio inputs and outputs.
  • Switcher - Control the volume level of the Crestron HDMI Matrix switcher. This is the video input system that allows for multiple HDMI video sources to be connected at the same time. This is the master volume control for all video sources connected.
  • Stage Aux - Control the volume level of any audio device connected via the Auxiliary inputs provided in the on-stage floor box where the lectern inputs are also located. This input is a grouped-stereo input with both left and right channels adjusted together using a single master control fader.
  • Stage Fill - Control the volume level output sent to the foldback speakers located above the proscenium arch facing to performers on-stage. The output on these speakers is a balanced-mono output.

Projector / Video Source Control Screen

Use this screen to control the video source input selection that is sent to the projector mounted on the over-seating lighting rig and the projector itself.
  • Source Selection
    • Laptop (Lectern) - Toggle the input from the on-stage floor box. This can be HDMI or VGA depending on which connector is used in the floor box.
    • Laptop (Front Row) - Provisioned for HDM-over-Ethernet to connector located near first aisle way two rows from the front. However is currently an available HDMI input located at the Bio Box that can be used for direct connection at the Bio Box.
    • HDMI 2 (BioBox) - Available HDMI input available at the Bio Box for direct input into the Creston Matrix switcher.
    • HDMI 3 (BioBox) - Available HDMI input available at the Bio Box for direct input into the Creston Matrix switcher.
  • Projector Off - This control will initiate the shutdown process and remotely trigger a controlled power-down of the projector/lamp and retract the motorised screen. Any selected input sources will be muted or un-toggled.
  • Show/Hide Image - This control will temporarily black out the current picture being sent to the projector without actually turning the lamp off and causing the lamp to require re-warming upon resuming the image.
  • Screen Control - This control enables manual override control of the motorised screen.

Room Mode Selection Screen

Use this screen to control the system mode. The automation system has two modes of operation. Essentially a semi-automated and a manual-control option. The Room Mode defines the how the audio management and routing to front of house speakers is controlled.
  • Presentation - When in presentation mode, the system is in semi-automated mode and use of the 48-channel digital sound desk is not available. All audio inputs are controlled via the touch panel only. Other inputs are not available in this mode.
  • Performance - When in performance mode, the system is in manual-control mode. This enables a user to take full-control over the sound mixing and routing to front of house speakers using the 48-channel digital sound desk. All audio inputs must be controlled via the sound desk including those that are normally available in presentation mode.

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